Mimi's Motorcycle Journal

Wandering Thoughts from a Moto Make Up Artista

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Okay - now for some good stuff!

I'm going to Hollister!!! I'm soooo excited. I've never been to this one oh - AND I have a place to stay - right outside of town. In a house, not a tent! Yee ha! There I was just blabbing to one of my friends when he mentioned how Hollister is a breeze this year since their new home is right there. A light bulb went off folks. Before I could get the words out, I heard "don't speak, you can stay here". We tight, right?

The Lord really does work in mysterious ways.

From dark to light, right?

Go Lightly

Last night I was so filled with emotion, revealing such deep and dark questions to God. It was the whole death thing. Why, where, what's going on? Watching my poor Fuzzy. Why can't he stay forever. I have such a hard time with losing someone.

These days it seems we live longer but die slower. I got to think about all the people I've known and how there not here anymore. I mean, why leave the body? Is it like putting away the winter stuff, not needing it anymore? Why don't we last forever? Our bodies - born to grow, but then we regress back into a helpless infant.

How is it that the one event we know with absolute certainty will occur is still one we dance around? Most of us have a pretty good idea about how we want to die: at home, at peace, quickly, with family, without pain. And at a ripe old age.

I still look at death as not being pretty. My generation is now into its middle ages. I also found out a couple of weeks ago that my high school bully just passed on. I've forgotten alot about her disposition, but I still remember certain things. Like for some reason, when I want to re-act to someone who’s been hateful, I kind of turn into her. I wonder if she knew she had that effect. But I refuse to give her the benefit. That's my prerogative.

I cried last night for my Fuzz. I’m crying as I write this. Let Fuzzy go lightly at home, at peace, quickly, with family, without pain. And at a ripe old age.

I love you my little FuzzWuzz.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Elevation, Appreciation

What a super deluxe weekend I'm still having! Well, technically, I'm back at work, but my spirit is still so elevated.

My ride up to Malibu was one of the best rides I've had in a while. The weather was HOT. I think everyone that has a bike was out riding. The air was so warm and silky against me. I love it when I can wear just a t-shirt and no jacket. Just a 50 SPF on my tats! I met up with some good old friends and some new. I really don't have much of a "blood" family left, (just my best friend sista!) but my bika friends make me feel at home. I guess I don't have to explain it, ya know?

Cleopatra seemed to know where to go most of the day. It was kinda strange, but I was feeling so serene, that it just felt like she was leading the way. I mean, I was in control, but... she - well, she really is like her name at times.

I even got a make-up artist job this coming Sunday through someone I met a while back. She is a fellow rider and hairstylist extraordinaire! I am so thankful for this opportunity. It's for a homeless and battered women's shelter. We're helping them get "made-up" and ready to go out and get a job. Make-up, hair, wardrobe, resume building, and a photography session is in store for these brave women ready to make a huge step in their lives. They're the real heroes. It's so easy to get lost in this broken world we live in. I know I will give each and everyone I meet a big hug! And hope they feel good about their new look.

Well my lovies, I hope you're having a fantastic day and hugs to you all!


Friday, April 25, 2008

LA Tomorrow

Yes! Its going to be super warm this weekend and perfect for riding. I plan on riding up to LA to see some friends for lunch and then a ride through Malibu. It's been an emotional week and the road and I need some time together. Good friends and loud pipes are good for the soul as well!

Yeah! Cleopatra and I are ready to roll. Oh, I still need to get her filled with the now $4.00+/gallons of gas but thank God she drinks it easy. Or at least I like to think she does.

Well, back to work for the rest of the day, then get a good nites sleep to get up early and ZOOMMMMM~

Have a great weekend my friends~


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Thank you all.

Many thanks to everyone who commented on my last post. Dean, Linda and Ronman - your words mean so much to me.

May you all have a blessed day.


Monday, April 21, 2008

My Dearest Fuzzy

My dear cat, Fuzzy, is in his last stages of life. I don't know if I can deal with this. Fuzzy has been with me the past 17 years. He's been through all my ups and downs; all the apartments, my emotions, travels, driving cross country with me, oh, and all the boyfriends. When Fuzzy didn't like a guy, he let me know. He'd just stare at him, then hiss. He has this look of total frustration and disgust sometimes. I call it the look of death. He even was there when I got my first motorcycle! When he first saw the bike, he hung with me in the garage, sniffing, prodding and sniffing some more. Then going back inside. I guess it got his approval.

My Fuzzy always sleeps right next to me, under my chin. I feel his breath on my shoulder and his warm little body. At times he moves up on top of my head and licks my hair. Lately, though, he's so tired and old, he can't even jump on the bed, even with the stool I put there.

The last day or so has been so difficult for him. He has trouble moving his back legs and literally just drags himself. I feed him in my lap, because he can't stand up long enough in front of his bowl. I feel his pain.

This is so sad. Some folks would say to put him down, but I have a hard time comprehending euthanization.

For now, I feel his little breath against me until Jesus takes him. I just want to embrace him.

Peace and Love to all.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

A New Risk of Middle-Age: Dying on a Motorcycle

Check out this article in the NY Times.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Back on the Road!

Yes! Everythings cool with my health and I just got back from a much needed ride with Cleopatra. It was brisk and cloudy out, but I put my Fox Creek Leather jacket on with the lining(amazing craft of leather) and gloves and hopped on. We rode to nowhere. Cleared all the dust and cobwebs. I also wore my new attachable purse that hooks on the belt hoops on my jeans. I used to carry a mini back pack purse, but that was becoming a pain. FREEDOM! No weight, just flying. I had a couple of dollars on me so I stopped for a vanilla latte, my favorite, and headed back out. San Diego is so beautiful, even when it's overcast.

Well, here I am home, with the fire on, Cleopatra in the garage. We're all warm and safe!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My Inner Ear Thoughts

So I have this inner ear infection that's giving me some kind of vertigo.

I can't ride my bike until it decides to move on. I'm in no kind of pain, but when the dizziness hits, I just want to hold on to the nearest solid object. And then there's the nausea that follows. That's always fun.

My doctor says if the dizzy spells get further and further apart, which they are, this will go away soon. In the meantime, I wait... hanging with my beloved dog Paulie and my cat Fuzzy.
